
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Another belt test

Last night David tested for his orange belt in Taekwondo.

Mary has ballet on Friday nights, and I realized I couldn't take Sara to the belt test.  So it was a group effort of family, friends, and neighbors yesterday evening.  Thank you, all.  It was such a treat to sit all by myself and watch David.

Because of the weather, David's classes have been cancelled a fair amount.  So he wasn't as prepared as he would have liked to have been.  He was nervous.  But he tried his best.  I assured him that Master Park appreciated his efforts.  David sets such a good example of hard work and serious effort.

And he broke another board!  This one was thicker than the last one.

David has been such a hard worker in all aspects of his life lately.  He attends tae kwon do two or three times a week, he diligently studies his spelling words, he watches Sara for me, he helps clean up, he is keeping his room organized, he's quick to practice the piano every day.  I am very grateful for him and his hard work.

I may or may not get around to posting the video.  But you can see a couple of minutes of class and a  side jump kick.