
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Best way to welcome the new year

The best way to welcome 2014 is to celebrate the best thing that happened to us in 2013!


Sara turns 1 (can you believe it?) on Saturday.  But with Greg leaving, we decided to celebrate early.

Uncle Chris and family and the next door neighbors came to celebrate with us.  There were presents and cake and even prizes for those who were brave enough to eat a spoonful of Sara's mushy lukewarm baby cereal.  It was a happy little celebration.  We love and adore our Sara.

You are so getting a step by step of the cake!  Here it goes ...

If that wasn't enough baby and cake for you, go HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.  (The last one is probably the best.  And the shortest.)

A good time was had by all ...

... as Sara worked on her cake.

Messy, messy.  She was stripped to her onesie.

 And then she got busy playing with her new toys.  (Short video HERE.)

2013 was a very stressful and challenging year for me.  But Sara made it the happiest year of my life.  She is an amazing human being and has been blessed with the capacity to bring joy to those around her.  God has trusted our family with a loving, gentle, thoughtful, darling child.  Sweet Sara.