
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sara likes to help with laundry and other fun facts

  1. Sara is one year old.
  2. Sara weighs 18 point something pounds and is 29 point 5 inches tall.  This makes her tall and slender.  She also has a gigantic head.  (But it doesn't look freakishly huge to me...maybe that's the power of a mother's love?)
  3. Sara is interested in fabric.  She loves a full laundry basket.  She likes blankets, towels, scarves, underwear, you name it.  Since she was just a few months old, she has liked to cover her face and head with fabric.  (That's how this happened.)
  4. I still nurse Sara.  I haven't gotten around to introducing a sippy cup.  She has no teeth.  She still likes to be swaddled at bedtime and naptime.  She is a speedy crawler, but doesn't know yet that she will one day be able to walk.  She says no words.  She doesn't wave bye-bye.  She doesn't have much hair.  As a result, it's easy to forget she is a whole year old.  I'm okay with that.  I'm in no hurry, and I'm glad she's not either.
  5. Sara's favorite food is Ritz crackers.  She also likes Baby Mum-Mums, Cheerios, and baby oatmeal.  This baby loves her carbs.  She will also eat pureed fruits and vegetables.  (Pureed as in from a store-bought baby food container.  I wouldn't want to mislead you into thinking I make my own baby food.)
  6. Sara likes books.  Her favorite part is turning the pages.
  7. Sara takes two naps a day.  She does not sleep through the night, which I usually lie about because I don't want anyone harassing me about it.
  8. Sara still "growls" when she is working.  She has been doing this since she was just a few months old.
  9. Sara had hair on her ears when she was born.  It was weird but super cute.  She doesn't anymore.  I know she had it a long time, months.  But I forgot to notice when she didn't anymore.
  10. Sara bebops to music.  It's cute.
  11. Sara has never worn socks.  This is because I hate baby socks with a deep burning passion.  (I have a few little tricks to pull this off without inciting the wrath of busybody old ladies everywhere.)
  12. Sara crawls around the house and goes on "adventures", as we say.  Her favorite adventures are dumping out the magazines, pulling up the heating vents on the floor (why are the vents not screwed to the floor??  must fix that or the baby and/or baby toys are going to end up in my HVAC ducts), trying to open the cupboard under the sink (thank goodness for safety locks), and looking for tissues to eat.
  13. Sara laughs hysterically when she is tired.  You should see her in the bath when she's exhausted.  She goes bonkers.
  14. David, Mary, and I like to sing Sara a silly song about her being in the bath and eating all the soap and getting bubbles in her throat.  Sara LOVES it.
  15. Sara has a baby uniform:  She wears a zipper footed sleeper nearly every day.  Yeah, pretty much all the time.  I don't know when this will end.  It's so easy and cuddly.  She might wear footed pajamas on her first day of kindergarten.
If you would like to see Sara hard at work with the laundry (or hear her little baby growl in full force), watch this.