
Sunday, February 28, 2016


The dance teams had their big showcase last weekend. They put on a great show!! Mary is part of the Little Gems, the youngest intensive dancer group. The Gems do not go to competitions (which is one reason we love her dance studio), but they do participate in the Showcase. They performed a ballet number and jazz number.

You can see their ballet performance here. (Mary is in the middle.) The big drama was their costumes. Apparently, their original costumes were elegant, graceful, one-shouldered numbers. But when they came in and the girls tried them on, they couldn't lift their arms! So they had to send them back and quickly find others...and they ended up with short, poof-sleeved, floofy party princess pink and purple dresses. The girls HATED them. They felt like four-year-olds, and they were so embarrassed! Mary absolutely refused to have her picture taken in it--and she wasn't the only one. To make matters worse, they were super itchy too. The director had a near mutiny on her hands. But the show must go on! Fortunately, their ballet number was towards the beginning of the recital. As soon as it was over, they ran to the green room ripped those scratchy little-girl tutus right off.

Above and below is Mary in her jazz costume. Very cute. And the dance was adorable too. You can see the jazz performance here. Mary is on the very, very left. They loved this dance.

This was Mary's final performance with the Little Gems. It has been such a great experience! At her studio they are not allowed to compete until they are at least nine years old, no matter what, which is a great policy. Little Gems gave her the experience and camaraderie of an intensive dance team without the stress and added commitments of competitions. She also had the opportunity to be a leader and example. Her confidence has grown so much. We are grateful she's had these opportunities.

Yay for Mary! We love you. And you'll always be our Little Gem. :)