
Monday, January 4, 2016

Our not so tiny girl is three!

Happy birthday to Sara! She is three today! What a big girl! Though she would disagree with that--she insists that she is "tie-tie," her word for tiny.

Sara loves grilled cheese sandwiches, so we had a mommy-daughter lunch date at the perfect place!

But the real celebration was yesterday. A pony party! (Also not a bad way to celebrate switching back to 9 o'clock church. Hallelujah.) This time it was just our little family . . . and the My Little Ponies, of course. (Who have become something of an inside joke in our family. Long story.) It was perfect!

Daddy and Mary set up the party (while Mom and Sara took much needed naps).

 Mary baked the cake herself in her new oven! And she did decorated it too! She is the best party planner/party executor ever!

Then it was time to party . . .

 The birthday girl!

 Happy birthday dear Sara!

Sara loves cake and ice cream. Seriously. She lives for cake and ice cream.

Presents! (She had lots of practice at Christmastime.)

She also has a big brother and big sister who "help." (And also love her very very much.)

Looks like Christmas morning again . . .what fun!

Happy birthday, Sara!

You are our sunshine. You are smart and fun and caring and silly and beautiful and sensitive and observant. You love dancing with Mary and playing cars with David. You like to read books and do puzzles. You like colors and animals. You can put on your backpack and your pants by yourself. You can hang up your coat and clean up your room. You can also melt anyone's heart and brighten everyone's day. It feels very special to have you in our family. Like the biggest privilege and honor of our lives. We love you, baby bear.